Thursday 20 March 2014

National Proposal Day

This may well be one of the weirdest of the national days we've come across so far!

Proposal day is apparently an opportunity for those people a bit shy about asking their partner to marry them to be able to do it at the same time as others…in a big group of people. I can't imagine that would actually be beneficial to those lacking confidence, for starters, what if they reject the proposal?! A rejection amongst a big group must be much more embarrassing than one on one! Apparently people use social networks to arrange a date to meet up and all propose together… I find it hard to imagine that it would be particularly romantic, but then again everyone is different, maybe that would be just somebody's cup of tea! If you are out there proposing today, good luck, I'm not sure it's a very well known event but you never know! Look out for a group of people proposing to each other near you I suppose; let us know if you see any large-scale proposals happening!

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